Dr Helena McMahon, a senior
postdoctoral scientist with Shannon ABC attended and found it a very informative
session. The event was fully subscribed with each Irish University and IOTI
represented. Dr Keith O'Neill, EI Director of Lifesciences & Food Research
Commercialisation opened the session emphasising EI’s focus upon the development and growth of Irish enterprises and that one
of the key strategies by which EI achieves this is through supporting Irish
Post-Doctoral Researchers commercialise their research, licence technologies
and develop spin out companies. Dr O'Neill highlighted that the funding and
supports are in place for Post-Doctoral Researchers - what EI wants is high
quality applications to fund!
The morning continued with Post-Docs
from AIT, DCU, DIT and TCD describing their Commercialisation Fund success
stories. Dr. Brian Vaughan, Centre for
Language and Communication Studies, Trinity College Dublin
developed a speech recognition technology that could potentially be used to
quantify the efficacy of communication between individuals. Application of the
technology in the education sector was originally envisaged, however through the
external expert consultancy (Commercialisation Case Feasibility Grant funded) and
key industry meetings organised by EI
Commercialisation specialists it became apparent that there was significant
opportunity for the exploitation of the technology in Aviation to measure the
efficacy of communication between pilots.
Dr. Vaughan returned to EI with a Commercialisation Fund application
validated by the market data collated through the feasibility study activities.
Products for the Aviation industry are under development with a suite of
alternative market and industry applications currently being explored by the
TCD team. Dr. Vaughan highlighted how in
addition to identifying key markets, expert and
industry input accelerated the product development process as many of
the key features that he and his team considered essential from a research
perspective were not actually required from an industry perspective, in fact
the additional features were sequestered and channelled into the “add on”
product portfolio.
Suzanne Martin manger of the Industrial and Optics Engineering (IOE) group at
Dublin Institute of Technology gave a fascinating talk on the
realities of commercialising research in the current economy and the value of
the EI Commercialisation feasibility studies ensure the commercial focus of
research activities and identification of potential markets. Researchers at DIT had developed a
novel method for the printing of holographic labels which could be adapted to
any design shape or form to meet industry needs. IOE had secured a contract for
application of the technology in the security industry, however the recession
ensured that this did not materialise, a revised commercialisation strategy was
required. IOE secured feasibility study funding, external experts were
contracted in and application of the technology in the packaging of
pharmaceuticals was identified as a key market. Meetings with key potential
customers in pharmaceutical industry was organised and market potential
validated. Similar to Dr. Vaughan’s experience industry input enhanced the
product development process with a variety of applications and product
adaptions suggested. EI provided Commercialisation Fund support and DITs
holographic printed labels are now on track to commercial reality.
Christine Loscher, Deputy Head of School of Biotechnology DCU commercialisation
fund experience highlighted how early consultation and engagement with EI
commercialisation specialists can significantly increase the potential for
commercial of research output. Dr.
Loscher and the DCU TTO office liaised with EI commercialisation specialists on
the potential commercial application of a marine derived anti-inflammatory
biomolecule identified in an IRCSET funded PhD project. EI simplified the commercial feasibility case:
the biomolecule would only have
commercial potential if its mode of action was novel. In other words, the
molecular target of this biomolecule must be unique and not targeted by any
other current approved drug on the market. Dr. Loscher highlighted that the
advice received from EI at this point was critical focusing the research to
answer this key question. The mode of action of the biomolecule was elucidated,
it was found to be novel and to have significant therapeutics application. A Commercialisation Feasibility Grant was
applied for, which enabled the DCU team to hire an external biopharmaceutical
expert to explore the market potential of the biomolecule identified. The
feasibility study data gathered formed the basis of a successful
Commercialisation Fund Application.
Case Feasibility Support, can be applied for (with your TTO office) at
any stage throughout the year. This fund, with awards of up to €15,000 enables
researchers to hire external experts/consultants to explore and develop the
commercial case of the technology in question, activities may involve
Market analysis and validation
Profiling of the competitor landscape
Patent landscaping and develop the IP strategy
Investigation of potential routes to
exploitation to the economic benefit of Ireland
Exploration of relevant regulatory issues or
other barriers/hurdles to commercialisation
Create a small demonstration or early
Encouragingly the application process
is a three page submission with a 1 month turn around, with current funding
success rate of > 80% of applications.
The next level of support is
Commercialisation Fund Project which provides the capital support for
technology development, R&D and commercialisation. Whilst it is not a
pre-requisite to first apply for a Commercialisation Case Feasibility Support
each of the speakers highlighted the value of this support in the
identification of technologies that have commercial potential, identification
of unconsidered markets and for engaging directly with industry and end users
which can impact significantly on product development strategies. There are two calls per year, in some
instances EI may invite researchers to apply. Proposals with costs ranging from €80,000 to €350,000
from all disciplines in the field of science and engineering will be accepted.
After the talks small group round
table sessions took place in which EI Commercialisation Specialists further
discussed the Commercialisation Fund in detail and the relationship between the
Commercialisation Fund and other EI and National Funding Schemes such as the
SFI TIDA and Innovation Partnerships. Post-Docs
were also provided with the opportunity to discuss their research and receive
advice, insight and EI contacts to further explore potential funding
opportunities and supports. Lunch followed the highly successful morning, it was most encouraging to see the level of
support both advisory and financial that EI have for third level research at
this time when funding is at an all-time low.
EI have an open door for Irish Post Docs to identify and develop the
commercial potential of their research with the ultimate aim of creating new
products, services and technologies which will lead to employment revenues for
the Irish State.
EI have recently published “Innovations
and Inventions” it exemplifies the success that can be attained by Irish
Researchers that avail of the supports and funding offered by EI and SFI, with details of the
117 spin-out company success stories, a must read that encapsulates the Open
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